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Fibers in Motion…

A concept born from a life long love of fashion, textiles, travel and the celebration of unique art. Join me on the journey of creativity, yoga and a Zen life style.



As we gently move through this panademic I have been creating masks. Be safe. Be fashionable.


Scottie Love Masks


They retail for $15.00 each, which includes shipping in the US.

100% quality cotton, interfacing for additional protection, encased nose wire and a dart at the chin for added protection. Mens and womens sizes available.

 I accept paypal…paypal.me/fibers and type in the amount. Send your shipping information to fibersinmotion@comcast.net


Launching "An American Woman"

Racer back tanks are a tri blend, great fit, designed by me and they are made in the USA.

Sizes are small, medium,large and extra large. Price is $22.00. $4.00 shipping and handling for mail orders.

A percentage of all sales will be donated to non-profits leading the way in preventing and aiding victums of sexual and domestic violence.

Accepting PayPal. Please email me at fibersinmotion@comcast.net for my link.



 Keep in touch 

© LuAnn Rukke 2012